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Urgent News: 

How An Ancient Israelite backyard herb, commonly found on the roadside Could Provide New Hope to Millions of Nigerians Struggling With With chest pains, clogged chests, and even cancer


Tobacco causes 8 million deaths every single year

“Read on to discover how to keep smoking without bearing the risk of having lung cancer, heart cancer, etc.

“…whoever said "Smokers are liable to Die Young" didn't know about this…

“Plus, the Gist of Dami, the lady that led to the discovery of this herb in the first place.

“And, why some doctors who smoke more than you do have zero chances of cancer…
It’s not too late for you. check out how far Gone DAMI was…

Dear reader

If you’re among the millions of Nigerians who are currently suffering from breathing difficulty…

… cough,

… mucus production, and whistle breathing (the side effects of smoking…)

Or you secretly wish to quit the act of smoking…

…You might think your future isn’t looking too bright…

But that’s about to change.

That’s because a small team of scientists just found a way to stop every single symptom. and make you feel normal again

A breakthrough discovery that’s transforming the lives of smokers with one single diet tweak…

A herb that helped them get back to doing all the things they were forced to stop…

…things like puffing a cigar after a meal or when hanging out with friends…

running or doing labor without feeling tired,

Smoking for relaxation …

…and they are doing it NOW without some expensive drugs, nicotine replacement nonsense, or harmful injections…

Without having to lose face in front of colleagues.

And the best part, without having to swallow crazy tablets hawked in buses, or harmful antibiotics and steroids… nasal sprays…deadly cough syrups… Humidifiers... You name it!

Instead, this US based Nigerian clinical scientist accomplished this with just a herb.

A common herb you can find on your way home today…

Or even sitting somewhere in your compound right now as you read this…


I'm Charles Balogun

In a moment, I’m going to show you what this herb is… So you can experience the same results…

In fact right now, even as we speak…

People across the country are tapping into this new scientifically PROVEN discovery,

And they are surprised to discover that…

  • Just weeks into using this magical herb they had deeper breaths than before.
  •  they were able to sleep laying down and their rattle was nearly gone and their breathing improved dramatically
  • they can actually walk upstairs and do simple things they could not do a few months ago without feeling easily tired.

And even though this may seem like hype they barely just started…

And this works no matter how old you’re …

Or how bad your case might seem.

I have seen this work time and time again with guys who have given up on the hope of ever living a normal life again.

But once they act on what I am about to share with you their lives changed dramatically… and fast

From the 25 years old laborer (my gee) who smokes before work
to gain clarity, vibes, and energy but had some tight-feeling chest this past week, which is now gone for good.

… to the 36 years old premature widow, Dami, for short, (you’ll soon hear from) who smoked because
It was the only pleasure left in life.

She needed to feel in control of her destiny and not pitied.

Even though it was killing her by the day…

Today she is HAPPY to announce to you that coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness of chest are all gone. And she quit smoking gradually on her own.

Then, down to the banker, who hates that the first thing his colleagues saw when they met him for the first time was his burnt lip, dried skin, and the smell of cigars on his hands and breath. But I'm happy to report it's no more!

Now, lemme ask you a question…
Is this something you’ll consider eating?

Well, that’s exactly why I am writing this today… to show you what this scientist discovered…

And to explain to you in plain English where to get this herb, how to eat…

And how often for best results.

So you can get similar or even better results…

See- it's ok to not believe me yet.

I don’t expect you to...

Just stick with me and in a moment, I will also be bringing into the light an urgent-and-time-sensitive matter…

A discovery that shook the Giant Tobacco companies…

And inside this story, you'll know the real reason why so many people find it difficult to quit smoking…

alongside proof and research backing every claim I make.

Before I move on, Hey, this is not another writeup to lecture you on what is bad or good…

So that said, I want you to do me just a small favor..

Promise me you’ll read all the words on this page… and you’ll do so with an open mind.

Then lastly… I should warn you…

There Are Many People In The Scientific Community and Nigeria As A Whole Who
Would Hate Me For Sharing This Information.

See, I am not saying this to be dramatic.

But we know our country and their (“wuru wuru”) corruption.

The information I am about to share has a lot to do with Giant Tobacco companies…

Up to the Greedy Pharmaceutical Industry workers and Pharmacists…

Then down to Our corrupt Nigerian government.

meaning I can't guarantee that this page will still be up in the next 24 hours…

That’s if Facebook doesn’t take it down because of the high-end data I’m sharing…

So I don't advise you to reload this page or even bookmark it because…

If you’re truly interested in finding a new alternative for your chest pains, clogged chest, and breathing difficulty without having to insert pipes through your lungs or take harmful substances. 

Or you intend to keep smoking without bearing the risk of having lung cancer, heart cancer, etc…

Then it’s crucial you read this entire report from cover to cover right now while it's still available on the web. 

Why Am I Willing to RISK MY NECK for this?

Like I said earlier, my name is Charles Balogun

I am a pulmonologist.

Over the years we have helped smokers who have given up on the hope of ever living a normal life again.

But I wasn't able to do this until I met Dami…

The story I am about to share with you is one of the many sad stories I have encountered over the years…

This story has the ability to change your life or that of a loved ONE if you pay attention…

I used to be a big preacher of the “Smokers are liable to die young sermon”, until I met this Nigerian lady Dami
{image of Dami}

It never made sense to me.

Why do people who clearly know (or were told) that something isn’t good for them still venture into it?

Well, after hearing her story I had a change of mind and you will too.

“Why Should I Stop Smoking?
I Enjoy It!...
I Know The Risks That I Run And If I Am Prepared To Accept Those Risks It’s Nobody’s Business But Mine.” 


It was merely 5 years 37days today since she lost her dear husband in a ghastly accident…

Along that Lagos-Ore express road…

This was someone who just concluded a wedding not quite long…

And with a newborn baby…

She was in tears when she was sharing this with me…

In her very own eyes she saw her world, everything she has spent time and bloody sweat to build… crash straight to the mud.

She could not bear it.

Then to couple, it up, where she was from, somewhere in Nigeria (I am not allowed to say that here), believed she was the cause of her problem.

GOD! it was so much on her…

So- she started smoking cigars… Benson & Hedge, then occasionally hamlet.

"To be frank", in her words, “the first cigarette tasted like crap,

I began to cough, I felt like vomiting…”

“Down the line, I discovered:

It was expensive, but I could afford it. and it was worth it for the pleasure.”

“It was the only source of pleasure left in my life.” : she said.

But fast forward to 3 years later.

She was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Ok, in her words… with tears running down her cheek she confessed.

“For the past 3 months, I have had some bad lung issues that even the doctors in the Emergency Room couldn't figure out…

Well, that turned into a heavy sinking feeling in my chest for weeks and turned into I guess, bronchitis,.

Randomly, my chest would get pressed and it would be labored breathing for me all over again… 

This would happen pretty often until I would keep coughing and coughing and trying to force mucus to come up so I could spit it out but barely any would come up.

I didn’t have insurance so I could not afford to see a pulmonologist (lungs doctor).”

Hey, to be frank, about 87% of Nigerians can't afford that too, anyway…

“It was making me depressed", she said.

"and the only thing that would help a little bit was muscle relaxers.

Sometimes on some mornings, I would cough up almost a full half bottle of water (of mucus) and I'm only 36 years old.

Guys, it's just really really depressing and it brought my mood down a lot and it made me want to find some kind of drugs to relieve me…

I knew this cigar was killing me…

And I knew at this stage I had to quit or at least reduce my consumption.

At this stage my hand's smell, my clothes, and my breath.

Even if I smoke cigarettes away from other people, the leftover smell still bothers everyone around me.

See, she tried every substitution method…

❌ she tried the cold turkey method, where you will get motivated and make up your mind to quit, just like that. That worked for about just a week..

Then she fell back to it… and smoked ten times more.

❌ she tried shisha… this was easier on her in terms of coughs and all that…
But it exposed her body to an even higher risk of cancer.

She found that out the hard way… the water in shisha doesn’t change anything… and shisha still contained nicotine (more on this in a moment)

❌ I did lots of lame things to stop smoking, like saying positive things to myself before going to bed.

❌ Acupuncture (where someone will be penetrating my body with pins)

❌ even, chewing nicotine gum. the padded stuff they tell you to plaster on your hand helps supply some nicotine when needed. (the very thing I don't want to take.)

And I will show you in a moment why those things may harm you more… Just to quit smoking...

Then the pain and all the side effects… she tried rolls of prescriptions...

A doctor said she should get ready for surgery anytime soon… can u imagine?

Jeeez! I knew we’d need a miracle…

And perhaps you feel that way and you know you need a miracle too.

For Dami, one thing had to happen before that became a reality…

But before that, things got worse for her.

Sometimes she would be driving…

…and it would be very hard to breathe through her upper chest area.

“Like-that-like-that”, it becomes hard to breathe in general.

because she was not using her full lung capacity

Just like, she was surviving with one lung.

At that point, she felt a little light-headed and I would almost have to pack because her oxygen levels were getting low.

(This cleared away more when I would try to force mucus out).

For her, It was scary knowing that she may pass out when driving…

cuz she wasn’t getting enough oxygen to her brain.

just because there's something wrong with her lungs…

She couldn’t afford to go to the lung doctor. 

(or a doctor in general, because she couldn’t afford Health insurance.)

The worst part is, down here in Lagos… when you think about the queue..u will prefer to “ku-Ku-ma” sit at home.

I was in tears after hearing her story.

… knowing how it feels to lose someone… (cuz I lost my dad too, at a young age. So, for me, this was personal to me.)

So, I gave her my word to come up with a cure that will stop every single symptom and make her feel normal again.

It wasn’t easy…

But when I look back now, I am happy I didn't give up.

after hearing her whole story and giving my word.

My journey in search of a cure.

I put my detective cap on and went on to do what I do best…
Finding solutions to people's complex problems.

I went on… Turning the internet upside down.

Downloading… printing… bookmarking everything I could get on (COPD)

and Reading up on everything I could find.

Because I must keep my word to her.

Along the line, I stumbled across…

All sorts of jargon on the internet.

Even worse, I saw people take poisons gotten from ungodly sites all in the name of a cure.

I really wanted to help…
But there was no cure in sight at that moment.

See- I couldn't look Mrs. Dami in the eye and tell her there was no solution…

I just couldn’t do it.
But thanks to this last-minute breakthrough discovery…

Just when I was about to throw my hands in the air and give up, that was when I stumbled upon this research…

Hidden Dip down into hours of research…

I finally found my answer.

pulled straight from the internet.

There and then…

I assembled a team and gathered everything they could find on quercetin.




Food… everything…

See, if I am to be frank with you…

It wasn’t easy… there were about 150 items (poisons included)

I was close… but that wasn’t enough…

What is quercetin?

Remember I haven’t said anything about quercetin…

So, Quercetin is the most abundant dietary flavonoid That's the bottom line.

No big English..

And with this, we had to narrow our research to flavonoids…

When we finally stumbled on something I would like to call the miracle herb...

A Vegi..

And to make it even better, it has the ability to reduce instant clearness and protect your lungs

Chill! …

But before we proceed.

I Want To Give You A 30 Seconds Run Down Of Why People Suffer From Lung And Heart Problems In The First Place.

Starting from when the first cigar (smoke) gets into your lungs…

Pls, pay close attention…

Because once you see how heart-related diseases alongside cancer are tied together…

You’ll also be able to understand how quercetin got from this special herb could be a revelation to anyone worried about a tight chest or cancer…

“ Oh! You’ve Got To Die Of Something. Anyway, They Tell You Everything Gives You Cancer Nowadays… Right?” wrong! the truth is finally revealed below…

The first cigarettes taste awful. That is a warning from your body. It is telling you: “ POISON! DON’T TOUCH!” but as humans, we still go ahead…

Does your body just leave you to your fate? No way!

Other alarms start to operate,

you begin to cough…

to feel nauseous...

you might actually vomit.

Even if you fail to heed all of the warnings and continue to smoke, your body will begin to build an immunity to the poisonous effects.

your body most times suspecting that you have no choice but to continue taking the poison…

So, it arranges for you to become blind to the unpleasant smell and taste.

Just like working on a pig farm or something that smells bad…

After a while, your brain and body become immune to the smell.

The smell becomes the norm for some.

While some use Tom Tom and some kind of perfume.

However, IF STOPPED…

Within just a few days, your body will sense no more smoke coming in and start throwing out the accumulated toxins from the ex-smoker's body leaving them as strong as ever.


But sadly, that's not always the case for chain smokers…

The lungs are lined with broom-like hairs called cilia, which clean the lungs by moving the tars and other toxins out of your lungs.

Making you cough and all that.

But sadly they get tired…And weak.

And to worsen it all…
…the cells that produce mucus in your lungs and airways grow in size and number.

And of course, the amount of mucus increases… and thickens.

Your lungs cannot effectively clean out this excess mucus.
So, the mucus stays in your airways, clogs them, and makes you cough.
This extra mucus is also prone to infection.

And this is where asthma, coughing, tightening of the chest come from…

It is at this point that some people try some scary alternatives like…
Using a tube called a bronchoscope. They then insert it into a person's mouth or nose and thread it through the bronchi

( jeez, that’s scary )

As if that’s not bad enough.
The mucus decreases the number of…

… air spaces and blood vessels in the lungs, resulting in less oxygen to critical parts of your body.

Like in the case of Dami.

When enough blood doesn’t reach your brain that’s what courses stroke…

Are you seeing how all this is intertwined?

Due to the weakness of that same cilia.

you remember the cilia, right?

Ok, perfect!

Now, the cilia that are supposed to be pushing out all the toxins and tars get slowed.

The tar (that bastard) containing so many harmful chemicals now diffuses into your blood vessels…

When these poisons enter your blood:

  • You are at an increased risk for experiencing blood clots, as your blood becomes thicker.
  •  Your blood pressure and heart rate increase, causing your heart to work harder
  •  Your arteries become thinner, which reduces the amount of blood carrying oxygen as it circulates to your organs (high blood pressure)
  • And some parts start developing faster than is needed (cancer)

So unlike most “over the counter drugs” that do no good.

We decided to look for the root cause of the problem and double down on it…

✔️ So, if we can get the cilia to Start processing and sending out all the harmful toxins faster to avoid infection…

✔️ And get the already mucus in the system out of the way… to free up the chest…

✔️ And the pain that comes with a clogged chest.

…That way the blood will have more oxygen…

And all other parts will also have more blood.

✔️ Finally if we can make her system immediately reduce the craving for nicotine… that way to reduce the amount of smoke intake…

then in record time Dami and people passing through similar pains and fears WILL BE WELL AGAIN.

With this, I knew what exactly to do…

And now that first discovery set the stage for all this.

Since we had narrowed our research to flavonoids…

And the team was head bent on getting the very best of them…

Our results went down to about 47 (if I can remember correctly) fruits… vegetables … and herbs.

If you notice I haven't been talking about some chemicals you get in the chemist…

We wanted something natural with zero side effects.

Then after months of searching, confirming, and testing…

We FINALLY found a miracle herb…

One that even the Holy book confirms its strength

Famously known as Aaron's rod (mullein)

The name is an allusion to the rod that Aaron placed before the ark and that miraculously blossomed and bore almonds. (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed)

But that’s not my point…

Backed by a growing body of research from all over the world except Nigeria…

After discovering what I would like to call the wonder leaf.

I was happy… but not fully.

I wanted to know what the scientific community had to say about it.

To my amazement a growing body of research worldwide backed it up

For example, in one study, researchers gathered folks over the age of 26

They split them into 2 groups.

They gave one of the groups a mullein leave and the other a placebo…

In other words a sugar pill (in this case, molded flour.)

The researchers also told the test subjects to keep their diets, exercise, and lifestyles exactly the same.

This way, they could really see if the mullein leave was doing the job…

And by the end of the study…

… the scientists were shocked to discover the mullein concentrate was 5 times more effective than the molded flour at providing help with coughing, lung weakness, respiratory constriction, and chest colds.


… by helping the body remove excess mucus from the lungs

But this wasn’t in all cases of mullein.

We also discovered that there were a lot of variations of mullein… 

(about 85 % of them in the market weren’t working… but the very best is what we were using here…)

Then one recent clinical study published in PubMed journals stated that the type bT4 mullein sample was said to reduce nicotine craving…

Meaning this has the ability to also reduce the amount of cigars you take naturally…

The EASY way.

This discovery sent shockwaves all through the scientific community…and even the tobacco barons felt the effect.

But I could not stop here…

I gave Dami my word.

After all, my goal was to provide a complete solution for you and people like Dami.

…after tackling the first domino, the fluid and craving problem…

I wanted to create something that left no stone unturned

And that was when I stumbled upon the second discovery…

It was a special herb known as the marshmallow…

…with a long history as a medicinal product in Germany
The gum will have a soothing effect on the esophagus by coating it.
For centuries cough medications have had this hidden in them…

And not just that...

Another study shows that marshmallows create relief in the majority of cases within 10 min.

Now that’s what I am talking about!

Instant relief.

Here’s the best part…

Because of its gum-like substance, that the plant produces.

Research suggests that it forms a coating over the skin and all through one's digestive tract….

By doing this, it may help with…

✔️ Protecting you against ulcer…

✔️ Completely reduce the dry mouth experience you face after smoking.

✔️ And protecting the throat.

✔️ It even goes on to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Recent research published in the national library of medicine shows that…

Marshmallows Have The Divine Ability To Soothe Skin Irritation Thereby Making You Far Younger Than You Age…

While reducing your risk of skin cancer.

Two down one to go…

The final piece of the puzzle turned out to be a herb known as peppermint…

A plant used in ancient times for over thousands of years as herbal medicines across various cultures…

With loads of research and studies to back it up.

One study I love by Mohamed Khalaf

Where about Of the 38 patients enrolled in the pilot study,

Like I said earlier…

They give some people rubbish...

And then, for the others, they give the correct things. (that’s how all these studies go)

Result as of last week:

The study found that patients who took peppermint oil tablets before eating felt better after meals than those who did not.

Those with both non-cardiac chest pain and unobstructed difficulty swallowing saw the most benefits:

73 percent of them reported feeling better.

Another study shows that marshmallows create relief in the majority of cases within 10 min.

✔️ Work together to keep your lungs fresh

✔️ to Keep coughing faraway from you…

✔️ To give you back your strength.

✔️ To wash out all the harmful Tars and toxins after smoking.

And unlike dangerous drugs this natural solution keeps working for years… your system doesn’t get immune to it. (Like, work today, don't work tomorrow.)

Now there are many products which claim to help with cleansing and protecting the lungs and respiratory system…

However, if you have tried any of those ill-prepared (over-the-counter solutions) then you already know they often don’t work.

That’s because even the most popular ones in Nigeria lack solid evidence that they actually work.

Some studies show small improvement for those who take them, while others show no effect.

Let's not forget that most of them…

Like albuterol and Anoro even though they claim to have zero side effects…

Actually have side effects like…

  • chest pain
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • pain in your arms or legs
  • muscle spasms
  • neck pain

And for most of them to actually give you the result they promised…
You might have to swallow everything plus the sachet.

I am not kidding.

We tried it with Dami.

So if the most popular products are likely useless…

Is it any surprise that the rest of them missed the bus?

Here’s the harsh reality…

When it comes to smoking and its danger, theirs is just a very slight escape route.

On the other hand, you can opt out for alternatives…

Like smoking shisha…



Society thinks these are less harmful alternatives to smoking cigars but to be frank they are not.

They are MORE addictive. Because of the presence of MORE NICOTINE.

Recent reports suggest they also cause the same havoc to your body…

Lung damage, cancer, and an ulcer (just to mention a few.)

Clearly, this is not the way to go.

On the other hand, you can take drugs sold by random influencers on social media…

Or gotten from ungodly sites.

U can take them with or without a prescription.

And while these drugs may seem to help, they pound your liver and kidneys…

…wreck your stomach, and in some cases cause serious bleeding…

Not to mention, some of these drugs are designed to get you addicted.

The bottom line?

If you continue taking these drugs YOU might be harming yourself more.

With all these, I knew that if I wanted to truly help people like Dami, I needed something NEW…

Something groundbreaking that NOT ONLY wiped away the stiff chest, but was also free from side effects or making you addicted.

And after months of research…

Trials and errors…

Considering all our options and leaving no stone unturned…

I am happy to report that my team and I have found what we were looking for.

Today I am proud to introduce you to…

The Next Generation Organic Smokers Detox Tea

This is the breakthrough that finally makes the miracle of cleaning the lungs after smoking available to everyone…

And inside every single tea bag, you will find the 3 most proven ingredients known to science…

Ingredients that can shield your internal systems from toxins…

And clean your lungs…

So that you don’t just FEEL BETTER

You LOOK BETTER and relaxed.

And you can even QUIT smoking whenever you want…

without facing the risk of cancer or early death.

Every day of using smokers' detox tea is another day of living life without regrets…

Or fear of “what you enjoy the most killing you.”

Imagine what it would feel like to suddenly realize you have more time on this earth…

Consider this a wake-up call to take your life back…

Research shows that smoking takes a minimum of 10 YEARS OF your life…

It doesn’t just seem fair that smoking could STEAL away so many years of precious life…

So many years of memories… of hugs… of sex… of time with your loved ones… of Christmas morning… of vacations… of ember coming together…

But that doesn’t have to be YOU…

Imagine… opening your eyes first thing in the morning… fully rested and fresh since there was no pain to keep you up at night…

You FLING your bed sheet to one side,

Quickly sat up, and no pain…

No cough…

No annoying sound.

With a smile on your face, you got ready for work.

…Gone are the days when pain ruled you.

When CONSTANT TIREDNESS robbed you of everything FUN you would have been doing…

You finally have your life back again…

No more struggling to get through the day…

No more having to paint a smile on your face or try to defend yourself in front of others even though the hurt is paining you inside…

Just like these people…

Isn’t this amazing?

As for Dami, I will tell you how the story ended shortly.

However, right now I am guessing you’re ready to try these natural solutions for yourself.

And you should be…

But you might be wondering…

If smoker's detox ingredients are so effective, why haven’t I heard of them before?

The truth is mullein, at least the species we use, is grown in the U.S.

Handpicked and processed “in a state of the art facility”.

Then it is flown down here.

And when you take into account the long transit time across the Atlantic…

plus getting held up in customs so the FDA can conduct rigorous inspections…

NOW YOU KNOW why they are so rare!!!

Now let's talk about how you can get organic smokers detox today.

As you know my team and I take pride in the product we produce…

We do not cut corners…

That means that you’re guaranteed a premium product that does what it claims. One free of side effects…

Quality like this doesn't come cheap.

In fact, you will agree with me that nothing worth having comes cheap.

However when you compare the price with dozens…

If not hundreds of formulations containing outdated, common ingredients that give you little to no results…

You will agree with me that it is a bargain.

Think about it.

How much would you be willing to invest to wake up feeling years younger…

… to spring out of bed each morning ready to tackle the day…

.. to know you can smoke and enjoy the HIGH without risking cancer, ulcer, etc.

What would you be willing to invest if you were absolutely, positively sure this would work???

#100,000? #200,000?? #300,000???


Let's be honest, you can’t put a price on your health and the freedom to live life on your terms.

That’s why we feel the retail price is a steal at #25,000.

It was affordable for most of our customers…

But remember, our GOAL with Organic smokers detox is to put it into the hands of people everywhere…

Who deserves to live a life without SUFFERING and FEAR!


So in order for this to reach as many people as possible…

We agreed to slash the prize from…

#25,000 (a 15-day supply) to

#16,000 + free delivery to anywhere in Nigeria.

Wait, wait, wait…here’s the best part!

Since you’ve read this far… this shows us you’re serious about your health.

With the increase in online crime rate and bank detail hacking…

The team has decided that payment should be made on delivery.

All you have to do now is fill the form below.

But I must warn you and plead with you at the same time, don’t order this product if you are not financially ready to receive it in the next 1-3 days.

please provide complete delivery address, include str. name, house no. and nearest B/stop
Incase the first number is not reachable
choose from the on-going promo and submit

At this point, you have a choice to make.

But pls note:

This is the only place you’ll find Naveen Organic" Smokers detox tea as far as I know, at such a low price…

And where payment is only made on delivery.

…To make sure you get what you paid for.

And here’s the best …

While many users report noticeable relief in as little as a week…

The real “magic” happens when you take it for 60 days or more.

That’s because smokers detox ingredients build up in your body,

Continuously cleaning your lungs…heart, and liver for optimal health.

This means the longer you take “smokers detox”…

… the better you feel.

Now considering our most successful customers like Dami take smokers detox month after month…

I would like to suggest, what I believe is a huge win-win.

Here’s what this is all about:

By shipping to you in bulk rather than sending you one package at a time we can cut costs.

And we pass the savings to you.

So not only do you pay less for each package of smokers detox…

You also have plenty at hand for maximum month after month.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about running out and ruining your progress.

For instance, our most popular image package is the pack of 3. 

This saves you an extra #3,000 per pack and it even comes with free shipping.

Now maybe you have a large family… or as a gift when next you hang out to smoke…

Or maybe you just like to be prepared…

That’s why more and more of our customers are choosing to invest in this…

They love the fact that it saves them 9k.

Now, remember this deal is not available on amazon.

The ONLY WAY to get this is right here on this page.

And you should also know that our special packaging can keep the tea fresh for at least one year from now…

However, as with good deals…

There’s just one small problem.

Look- I hate to sound pushy…

Due to extremely limited supply, I can't guarantee that this offer will be available if you choose to leave this page and come back later…

In that case, you’ll be waiting for our next batch…

Which, with the way things are going, may be at a higher price.

So I use God beg you, buy as many as you can afford before it's all gone.

But I must warn you, and plead with you at the same time, don’t order this product if you are not financially ready to receive it in the next 1-3 days.


please provide complete delivery address, include str. name, house no. and nearest B/stop
Incase the first number is not reachable
choose from the on-going promo and submit

we know you might have had bad experiences with other brands…

So in order for you to give us a try…

We are willing to give you a refund on your money even after thirty days

All you have to do is chart us up using the number that we will provide for you on the day of delivery…

I believe you have a decision to make.

Remember, you have NOTHING TO LOSE.

…And cheers from all of us down here.

To your success!!!

Dr. Charles Balogun

Thanks for reading.

Then lastly don’t forget to send us your testimonials so we can update it on this page. Bye for now!

P.s. if you’re like me who skipped all the write-up to this point… well, here’s the deal in summary.

The Next Generation organic Smokers Detox Tea is the breakthrough that finally makes the miracle of cleaning the lungs after smoking available to everyone…

With about #550 per tea bag...

For something that has the power to completely change your life…

And you know what?

If it doesn’t work for you, the way it’s worked for me and everyone else who’s tried it…

I don’t even want to keep your dollar.

And you can save EVEN MORE if you stock up today.

You make your choice… remember you have nothing to lose.

Frequently asked questions

How many tea bags are in the smokers tea?

 The organic smokers tea comes with 20 teabags plus 10 extra teabags per pack…

how does organic smokers' detox tea work again?

Organic smokers' detox tea works by activating “cilia” within your lungs. This process is also known as your “resurrection system” because it clears out “toxins and mucus” that build up as you smoke.. This “junk” is the #1 reason why it’s so hard to breathe, and it also is the major reason why some people experience cancer and stroke. since the toxins contain harmful chemicals that can cause cancer and the mucus reduces the amount of oxygen that flows into the blood.

Once you activate your “resurrection system,” feeling better becomes easier, your energy levels soar and your cravings are reduced.

How do I use organic smokers' detox tea?

Taking organic smokers' detox tea couldn’t be easier. Just take 2 teabags every morning (no specific time). Just make sure you take it daily. period! to experience the best results.

It's taken like Lipton tea, put two tea bags in a tea cup and pour boiling water, allow for 7-10 mins to brew and cool before sipping. Don't add anything like sugar, honey or milk take it plain

How long does it take to completely detox my lungs after i quite smoking?

it depends on how long, and how much you smoked. Sometimes it takes 6 months, and in worst cases 12 months… but when using organic smokers detox you begin the cleansing journey immediately… and you will start feeling the difference ALMOST INSTANTLY.

Are there any side effects?

Naveen smokers detox tea is 100% organic and herbal. There has been no reported side effects on the product rather we have been having positive feedbacks and repeated purchases

Will organic smokers' detox tea work for me?

With all of the overwhelming evidence supporting the ingredients found inside organic smokers' detox tea, as well as the countless transformation stories we hear from customers like you, we feel confident that organic smokers' detox tea will work for you. But, if for any reason it doesn’t, remember that you’re 100% protected by our 30-day money-back guarantee.

Simply call or send an email to SUPPORT EMAIL and you’ll receive every dime of your investment back. This information will be provided to you on your confirmation page, via email, and inside every order of organic smokers' detox tea.

How do I get started?

It couldn’t be simpler. Just fill out the form above now, select your order quantity and you’ll have your order in just a few days!

Thanks for reading.

Dr. Charles Balogun